/* Script: Drag.Move.js A Drag extension that provides support for the constraining of draggables to containers and droppables. License: MIT-style license. */ Drag.Move = new Class({ Extends: Drag, options: { droppables: [], container: false }, initialize: function(element, options){ this.parent(element, options); this.droppables = $$(this.options.droppables); this.container = $(this.options.container); if (this.container && $type(this.container) != 'element') this.container = $(this.container.getDocument().body); element = this.element; var current = element.getStyle('position'); var position = (current != 'static') ? current : 'absolute'; if (element.getStyle('left') == 'auto' || element.getStyle('top') == 'auto') element.position(element.getPosition(element.offsetParent)); element.setStyle('position', position); this.addEvent('start', function(){ this.checkDroppables(); }, true); }, start: function(event){ if (this.container){ var el = this.element, cont = this.container, ccoo = cont.getCoordinates(el.offsetParent), cps = {}, ems = {}; ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].each(function(pad){ cps[pad] = cont.getStyle('padding-' + pad).toInt(); ems[pad] = el.getStyle('margin-' + pad).toInt(); }, this); var width = el.offsetWidth + ems.left + ems.right, height = el.offsetHeight + ems.top + ems.bottom; var x = [ccoo.left + cps.left, ccoo.right - cps.right - width]; var y = [ccoo.top + cps.top, ccoo.bottom - cps.bottom - height]; this.options.limit = {x: x, y: y}; } this.parent(event); }, checkAgainst: function(el){ el = el.getCoordinates(); var now = this.mouse.now; return (now.x > el.left && now.x < el.right && now.y < el.bottom && now.y > el.top); }, checkDroppables: function(){ var overed = this.droppables.filter(this.checkAgainst, this).getLast(); if (this.overed != overed){ if (this.overed) this.fireEvent('leave', [this.element, this.overed]); if (overed){ this.overed = overed; this.fireEvent('enter', [this.element, overed]); } else { this.overed = null; } } }, drag: function(event){ this.parent(event); if (this.droppables.length) this.checkDroppables(); }, stop: function(event){ this.checkDroppables(); this.fireEvent('drop', [this.element, this.overed]); this.overed = null; return this.parent(event); } }); Element.implement({ makeDraggable: function(options){ return new Drag.Move(this, options); } });